Crystals, healing, divination and love 🔮🖤

Hi 👋🏻 my name is Jo and I am an Energy Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healing Practitioner and Angel Healing Therapist and have diplomas in Shamanic Healing, Energy Healing, Chakra and Aura Healing, and Oracle Card and Rune Readings.

I am so happy to be able to live my soul purpose in life by healing others and able to help people every single day. I have helped people with all manner of emotional, physical and spiritual healing and have seen their lives be transformed.

A snippet of my success stories from healing others is:

💜 helped someone laugh again after years of not being able to do so

💜 someone who was on 10 tablets a day for chronic arthritis was able to reduce their pain management tablets to 2 a day

💜 gave hope and self love to many struggling after going through a breakup and eased their broken trust to be able to love again

💜 helped an author with their writers block and creativity by releasing their subconscious energetic block

I have a deep connection with my spirit guides and the angels for healing and divination which has always proved to be accurate for the many I have done readings for. 🔮

I love all of my clients, new and returning and always try to offer as much love, support and guidance as I am able to.

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